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After a strange turn of events, you end up taking charge of
<Salty Hounds>, a struggling private security agency.
On your adventure in an industry dominated by the most hardcore men, you will have a chance to experience the romance and the thrill of falling in love with the handsome guys around you who all seem to have their own, interesting stories to tell.
Dive into the immersive world of Salty Hounds, and experience a dating sim RPG with an unparalleled level of depth and freedom!

Genre: Open-World Bodyguards Dating sim + RPG
Platform: PC (Win, MacOS), Nintendo Switch
Languages: Korean, English and more planned (日本語, 中國語...)
VA: 손수호, 류승곤, 장성호, 이주창, 심규혁 외
Launch Date: 2023 Q2

You can receive phone calls from the love interests from time to time.
